Thursday, June 03, 2004

Working at the Ritz Carlton Hotel

Hoy tuve el honor de trabajar en la cocina de baquetes del Hotel Ritz Carlton, y fue una experiencia innolvidable. A continuacion los detalles de esa maravillosa experiencia.

Llegue alrededor de las 9:30 am, al principio fue una confusion para conseguir la entrada de los empleados, pero encontramos un empleado que nos guio. Llegamos hasta el departamento de seguridad, ahi esperamos hasta que llegaran la mayoria de los 25 estudiantes. Exactamente a las 10 am el Executive Sous Chef Steven se acerco a nosotros y empezo a explicarnos lo que hariamos hoy. Nos dividio por grupos y a mi por suerte me toco trabajar en banquetes. Nuestro Chef encargado era Julio, Jr. Sous Chef de banquetes. Nos dio un quick tour, y se veia muy bonita la cocina, limpia y con un good layout.

Aqui esta Julio, al quien considero una gran persona, pues nos trato como a unos reyes :) Gracias Julio, espero que siguas trabajando tan bien como siempre.

Primero nos asignaron con el Chef Johnatan Hernandez, quien fue muy atento con nosotros. Se mostro bien cooperador, contesto todas las preguntas que le hize, me explicaba cual era el estilo de cocinar los caldos. Con Johnnatan teniamos que hacer 1200 spring rolls, 600 con un relleno que incluia pollo, mango y chayote (receta de un chef de Jamaica) y los otros 600 con un relleno de carrucho y camarones, que por cierto los dos estaban muy sabrosos.

Lamentablemente no tengo ninguna foto de Chelo pero fue otro de los Chefs que nos ayudo muchisimo. Si consigo una de Chelo y de Johnattan las colocare aqui.

Perdonen pero proseguire el relato en ingles :) es mas facil y lo pueden leer mis familiares en Turquia.

Luego pase a trabajar con el Chef Julio, wrapping with saran paper all the trays. It was the perfect job for me, although I sweated a lot, I liked the tension :). They named me the Banquet runner and they were making fun of me. I can say that is difficult and a bit boring for me to do a standing job, I guess I prefer to be running and not being still in one place.

Its amazing how organize this chefs are, you can see the armony, the partnership. I just saw the Executive Chef once or twice and they were not giving orders, so from my point of view the chefs were having everything under control, and that is amazing. Bravo for all the Chefs in the Ritz Carlton. Although I have something bad to say about the kitchen, because honestly its quite small, but I dunno why, they really manage to do all the job in such a small space. Bravo Bravo for all of them.

Here is a picture of Chef Eric, he was very special because he was so patient with me, and he gave me very nice jobs so I could learn more from the kitchen. If I wouldnt be studying I would definetly will love to work with that team.

Although I didnt work directly with Ernesto, he was a very nice person and I know from the students that worked with him, that he was very good to them. I wish you luck in your carreer.

Of course we cannot leave the girl power in the team, and that comes with the name Jannette. I hope we the gals of the school can be a success like you :).

And here you can see the whole team of Sous Chef that we worked with...

I cannot leave outside the Executive Chef Alain and Steven, but unfourtunetly, whenever I wanted to take pictures of them, I was busy so didnt catch a good photo. Very impressive the organization Chef Alain has when they make the plating. By the way he was such a nice person, he was not intimidating, you could easily ask any question, he would answer it with pleasure. After we finished with the wedding, Chef Alain met us all and told us to finish our studies and later to come and play with them :).